World Building - OVR World Online

So, I think I figured out what I want to use this blog for. Because I really wanted it to have a purpose aside from my occasional stream of consciousness rantings. I'm going to use it as a place to work out some of my world building, both in the game world of OVR World Online, and the world outside the game that Zee is from. There's a lot of details there that I've worked out in my head, but feel like I should put to paper. That said, this is a work in progress process. I withhold the right to contradict anything I put here. Ut’s not canon until it's in a published book.

A list of world building topics…

Game mechanics

Game worlds

Quest & Side Quest ideas

Player organizations/Clans


Stuff about Zee's brain

“Real World” politics/news/events

Magic items/treasure

Original Monsters

Inspirational Sources


The Mega Corporations


To be honest, I’m making this up as I go…