I was born in sunny California, where my first career was in hospitality, which brought me and my wife to Massachusetts. When my son was born, I left hotels to become a full time stay at home dad.

Growing up, I always wrote for fun and expression. I wrote my first full length novel as part of my Senior Project in High School. Despite struggling with dyslexia growing up, I’ve always found that I express myself best through the written word.

I’m a life long nerd. The various novels, TV shows, movies, and comics that have shaped me are far too numerous to count. I’m a TTRPG player and often the Forever DM. I’m a podcast junkie (and Friend of DeSoto). I’m sure I’ll reveal more about myself over in my Blog.

After discovering the LitRPG sub-genre, I started working on Zee Locked-In, thinking it would just be another fun and creative outlet. With the support of my friends and family, I kept plugging away at it until I felt like I had something publishable. I’m incredibly proud of it and have already started work on Book 2.

Justin Monroe